December 13 2002
May 13, 1967 - December 13, 2001
My dearest Chuck, a beautiful light went out in our
world the day you left us, and it has been an awful
struggle to go on without you this past year. The pain
and emptiness goes on unabated, as you knew it would,
but we are trying to be strong, as I promised you. Your
fans worldwide have been very supportive, writing to
share their feelings and telling me of the positive
impact your music had, and still continues to have in
their lives. I take some comfort in their words: Chuck
will never die, he will always live on through his music.
That's a nice thought to keep close, isn't it? There
are many memorials and tributes being held around the
world for you today, and the fans are taking videos
so they can share the memories with me. You would be
so proud of them. I love you, son.
Loving and missing you forever, Forgetting you never
Mom and Dad, and
beloved sister, Bethann, and
nephew, Christopher |
can't believe a year has passed already... it
seems like only yesterday that Jane sent us her
devastating message... Our thoughts are with those
who were close to Chuck and we wish them lots
of strength to get through this dreadful day...
Today we also want to thank everyone who supported
us and encouraged us to continue with EmptyWords,
to keep Chuck's metal spirit alive. Your messages
of encouragement and support mean a lot to us.
Before we conclude the editorial comments about
the anniversary of Chuck's passing, some good
news: knowing that Jane answers a lot of questions
from fans personally, we came up with the idea
of a Q&A page as sort of an ongoing interview
for everybody to read. Jane would love to answer
questions. So send your 'ultimate' question to
As soon as we have gathered enough Questions and
Answers we're going to publish them on the new
Perennial Questions page.
The sitekeepers
Having worked for EmptyWords for a while, I had
seen some pretty rough assignments. Most articles,
when translated, go through 2 or 3 languages before
they get to my inbox. Some of them are very difficult...
But there was no task more difficult than writing/editing
Chuck's EmptyWords "eulogy." Mentally,
it was extremely taxing, especially considering
he was still with us... We were all saving it for
that inevitable day, all of us hoping that it would
collect dust long before it ever got used.
had hope of at least a partial recovery or remission.
There were signs there to give us hope. Sadly the
day came, and on 13 December, 2001, the metal community
lost one of its most prominent and inspirational
figures. The outpouring of support from all over
the world was overwhelming. No one could deny the
impact of Chuck's work on the current state of metal.
That is one of the reasons that EmptyWords is still
here. We work hard to honor an amazing talent, who
was taken from us too soon.
I recently went to a show in New York City. One
of the openers covered "Scavenger of Human
Sorrow." Before they played it the singer dedicated
it to the memory of Chuck Schuldiner. The crowd
went berserk. Everyone in the building understood
Chuck's genius and paid their respects to a legend.
For those few minutes, Chuck once again lived on
through that band, and through all of us. We miss
you Chuck.
Medeiros |
December 3 2002
The drum-dinosaur, in his free time, drives many a trembling
senior citizen insane, awaits the war between the USA and
Canada, and hates music. Rock Hard's Volkmar Weber lashes
this rhino-freak with questions from the LSD-home pharmacy:
Added two Italian inties with Chuck (thanks Vincenzo). From
Grind Zone 10-1998:
"I'll never win a prize for my singing qualities",
and from Metal Hammer
05-1999: "Music saved my life a lot of times".
Message from our editor:
Dear Italy,
Please get a new language, or stop sending articles. They
are too damn hard to edit!
Matt Medeiros
November 23 2002
From Metal Hammer Spain 07-1993: "One does not appreciate
important things in life because we all think nothing will
happen to us". An interview
with Chuck (thanks Aitor). Also added another Live in L.A.
review from The Metal
Observer (thanks Valerie).
November 19 2002
Published the info about the Turkish Memorial, check the benefit
page and the flyer.
November 17 2002
Added an interview that
we did with Richard Christy: "Death is the reason that
people know my name".
November 15 2002
Dear fans,
I know you're all concerned that the new Control Denied album
won't happen but the legal problems had to be taken care of
first, including the legalities connected with Chuck's will.
Now things are clearing up and after the first of the year
things should start coming together. That's the most important
thing in our lives at this time, making sure that we honor
Chuck's request that this album be released. I have a special
email address created to answer your questions. Please write
to controldeniedalbum@yahoo.com
Jane Schuldiner
November 3 2002
Added an interview with
Chuck from Metal Hammer UK (thanks Sören), and two album
reviews (Human, Symbolic)
from The Metal Observer.
October 27 2002
Added three articles from the Italian Metal Hammer (thanks
Vincenzo). An interview
with Chuck (10-1998), and an interview
(the first one on the site) with Shannon (12-1999). Besides
a death metal special
as appeared in Metal Hammer's Millennium edition #II (03-2000).
October 20 2002
We have created a TABS
page to archive the tablature we had on different album pages,
including two new tabs (Lack of Comprehension and Voice of
the Soul, thanks Robert). Know that Chuck never wrote tabs
himself, he played by listening. These tabs are only a tool
to help you figure out the songs. The authors of the individual
tabs, not us, are responsible for the content and accuracy
of the tabs. There are tabs which are not in text format.
Those tabs require additional software that can be downloaded
for free. If you are a guitarist (or bassist, or even a drummer)
and would like to send us tabs, please email tabs@emptywords.org.
Have fun and good luck.
October 17 2002
Dear fans,
I want you to know that
as of 10-16-02 I have decided to stop offering the video of
Chuck's memorial, although I will certainly honor the orders
I have received to this date. Thank you for your heartwarming
responses to this video. Also, the only shirts I have left
are a few black Let The Metal Flow shirts, size large, and
Symbolic tour shirts, size large with a few xlarge sizes.
There are more on order, but it will be a few weeks until
they are ready and I will let you know when they are available
again on the emptywords site.
I am profoundly pleased and touched by the many memorials
around the world planned for December 13th. I look forward
to hearing about them from all of you, and the only thing
Chuck's family ask is that there are no financial gains being
made from such a memorial. It would a defamation to Chuck's
memory and I know you do not want that. I try very much to
answer all the mail and to make sure all the orders for merchandise
are filled and airmailed as soon as possible. When there is
a problem, which thankfully does not happen often, I look
forward to you telling me so and then I can make sure the
problem is resolved.
I had someone email me that Chuck's mystique is being harmed,
that I am too honest in my replies to you, and maybe I am,
but when you write and share your grief and memories with
me, I automatically respond to all of you with the same open
feelings. It is impossible for me to do otherwise. Those emails
have been of immeasureable comfort to me this past 10 months
and I look forward to many more. Please let me know of any
problems or concerns.
Jane Schuldiner
October 7 2002
For those interested in some behind-the-scenes information
about EmptyWords, we've updated the Backstage.
October 1 2002
Added an interview with Chuck from
Sounds of Death (thanks Robbie). We also added more pics to
the Full of Hate tourschedule
(thanks Burkhard).
September 19 2002
Added two oldies from Spain (thanks Aitor). A short interview
with Chuck from Heavy Rock (01-1992) and a Human review
from Metal Hammer (02-1992).
September 9 2002
Added an interview with Chuck from
Chronicles of Chaos (10-1998) by Aaron McKay (thanks Fernando).
September 7 2002
New dates added to the minitour of Sadus featuring Steve DiGiorgio:
Friday September 13 - The Pound - San Francisco/USA / with
Thursday September 19 - Effenaar - Eindhoven/Netherlands /
support act for Cannibal Corpse, Severe Torture & Dew-Scented
Friday September 20 - La Laiterie - Strassbourg/France / support
act for Cannibal Corpse, Severe Torture & Dew-Scented
Saturday September 21 - Biebob - Vosselaar/Belgium / support
act for Cannibal Corpse, Severe Torture & Dew-Scented
Sunday September 22 - Baroeg - Rotterdam/Netherlands / Headlining,
support act Dead Head
Monday September 23 - OJC Pazzop - Bladel/Netherlands / Headlining,
support act Dead Head
August 3 2002
Added another memorial article from the Italian Metal Hammer
(thanks Vincenzo), check the memorial
July 22 2002
Guestbook 1 has been posted, check the Archive.
Since it contains a lot of condolences, we also posted it
on the memorial page.
July 17 2002
Book 7 of the books of condolences has been posted. Check
the memorial page.
July 15 2002
The 6th book of the books of condolences has been posted.
Check the memorial page.
July 14 2002
To those that take part in the EmptyWords team at United Devices:
There have been, and still are, problems with getting Ligandfit
(the new program, the successor of Think) and getting new
work units. We've experienced those problems ourselves. It
took us over a week of trying to get connected. We know it
can be very discouraging and annoying, but please be patient
and keep trying. Eventually the program will be up and running
again. For those who haven't joined the team yet, check the
United Devices page.
Also added another review of the Scream Bloody Roar-Chuck
Schuldiner benefit on January 27 in England (thanks John),
check the GIGS.
June 30 2002
Due to a virus Chuck's mom can't answer email from her hotmail
account, you can reach her at this address: mfbccj@yahoo.com
June 23 2002
Message from Chuck's mom:
Dear friends and fans,
During the spring of 2001 Chuck received a book written by
a fan in Iran. This book is a collection of Chuck's songs
in English and Farsi and is now in the library there in the
poetry section. Chuck was so pleased about it all and considered
it an honor. I have been asked by the author if I would offer
this book to the fans and friends here. Many of you have asked
me to let you know if anything else is available concerning
Chuck for your collection, so I am delighted to be able to
make this 134 page book available to you. I
think you will really like this book for your collection and
I look forward to receiving your order. (For details how to
order the book check the SUPPORT
Jane Schuldiner
June 18 2002
Added two versions of The Philosopher tabs (thanks Alireza
and David), check ITP,
and the drumtabs of Without Judgement (thanks Manuel), check
June 16 2002
Added one more memorial article (from the German Legacy),
check the memorial page, and a
review from the 'In Death We Trust Festival' (from Rock Hard),
check the GIGS*. Also added an
interview with Chuck by Mark Gromen for the Nuclear Blast
catalogue (thanks Perry), check the TALKS*.
Besides we restyled the FORGOTTEN page, thanks Perry for the
June 11 2002
In addition to the statement below that Chuck's mom made,
Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal) wants to let everybody know that
he denies any involvement with any Death or Control Denied
record coming out in the near future or ever and that all
rumors are totally false with no validity to it what so ever,
he just wanted to clear that up out of respect for Chuck and
everyone that knew him.
June 6 2002
Message from Chuck's mom about the rumor going 'round that
Death will be continued by someone else:
Concerning rumors, I have to say I do not see how any body
can even THINK they could take over Chuck's band, Death. Chuck
WAS that band and, being in touch with so many of them these
past 3 years, I do not see the fans accepting any substitute
at all. How could there be? The members of Chuck's band will
finish the Control Denied album because that is what Chuck
told his sister, Beth and me, he wanted, IF he did not recover.
He finished almost all of that album and Richard, Tim, Shannon
and Steve know what to do when they go into the studio to
complete it.
This album was very dear to Chuck because, while he never
gave up hope that he would get well, he was above all a realist
and we had many conversations while he was ill about his hopes
and his wishes for the future, including that album. The album
will be done according to those wishes. As the executor of
Chuck's estate, Beth, nobody else, will decide who and when
and where. That is the most important thing we can do in memory
of Chuck, to make sure it goes according to HIS wishes, not
somebody elses.
All these rumors would not surprise Chuck, of course, much
of his musical career was spent denying the most untrue vicious
rumors that were printed by magazines without unsubstantiating
them and widely circulated by many. Between that and the fights
for his rights with the record industry, he was very busy
when all he wanted to do was to play his music. He told me
that if he could just play for the fans without all that,
he would be happy. I believe he said that if troubles were
money he would be a rich man. I thought that was a very sad
thing for him to say. And so true.
I'm surprised so many people do speak for Chuck when the only
people who can legitimately speak for him is his sister and
myself. So if you have a question for either of us about an
unsubstantiated rumor, just write to me at mfbccj@yahoo.com
and either she or I will answer them. And remember, hearing
it from a friend, or reading it on the internet or in a magazinedoes
NOT make it true. Remember Chuck's favorite saying, Support
Music, Not Rumors.
Take Care,
Jane Schuldiner-Chuck's mom
May 26 2002
Added two articles, one from Metal Mania (thanks Jeff), and
one from Metal Maniacs (thanks Liz and Martín), check
the TALKS*.
May 13 2002
Message from Chuck's mom:
Today is Chuck's birthday and all of you can imagine what
a very sad day it is for us without him. I was searching for
the right words to express how I feel today and I remembered
this poem, a bit of it is on the memorial video so I am asking
Yvonne to put it on the emptywords site. I want to thank all
of you who realized that Mother's Day was difficult also and
sent me emails and cards, even flowers, to wish me well on
that day. And today many of you realize it's his birthday
and are sending your thoughts my way. Thank you for that comfort.
miss all that you were
We miss all that you would have become
We miss all that you did
We miss all that you would have done
We miss all that you said
We miss all that you would say
We miss loving you
We miss all the love you had for us
We had so much love, joy, hope,
peace and dreams for the future
Now we have so much pain, sorrow,
grief, loss, anger, remorse, broken
hearts and broken dreams that have
destroyed our peace, hope and future
We hold on to our precious memories
but it will never be enough
For nothing we will ever have or do can
fill the vast hole in our hearts and lives
when we lost you.
Missing you always
Loving you forever
Forgetting you never.
May 13 2002
Today, on Chuck's 35th birthday, we wish all those who were
close to Chuck lots of strength.
To keep Chuck's memory alive we've added two more articles
on the memorial page, one from the French Hard Rock Magazine
(thanks François), and one from the Norwegian Scream
Magazine (thanks Frode and Jens-Remi).
April 27 2002
We gave the BANDS page a new
look. The mainpage now contains a timeline (thanks Robbie).
Besides the biographies that were already on, you can now
find a link to the complete history of Death/Control Denied
(thanks Perry).
April 22 2002
Added another tour schedule (Full of Hate festivals/1995),
thanks Burkhard. Also added some pics from the Waldrock festival
(right before the ITP-USA tour in 1993), thanks Hendrik. Check
the TOURS page.
April 14 2002
Added four articles, three from Metal Forces and one from
Thrash 'n Burn, thanks Aurel. Added an album review from Metal
Hammer, thanks Aitor. As always check the TALKS*
and the VIEWS*.
We work hard to get the old articles you send us published.
As you may understand, we have given the most recent pieces
(memorial articles) priority. For those of you who sent in
material and haven't found it posted on EmptyWords, please
be patient, and keep sending us whatever you have.
April 11 2002
The fifth book of the books of condolences has been posted.
Check the memorial page.
April 6 2002
The fourth book of the books of condolences has been posted.
Check the memorial page.
March 31 2002
We added some guitar-solo tabs of Symbolic, thanks Siroa.
Check the Symbolic page.
March 25 2002
We added two more memorial articles, one from the Dutch webzine
Martelgang and one from the British Terrorizer, check the
memorial page. We've also added
tabs to 16 pieces. Check the album pages for Leprosy,
Human, Individual
Thought Patterns, The
Sound Of Perseverance and The
Fragile Art Of Existence. Thanks to Kerry Vick for giving
them to us after shutting down your Control Denied site, and
thanks Jane and Bethann for letting us put them on EmptyWords.
We ask the guitarists amongst you all to try and tab other
songs as well.
March 19 2002
Message from Chuck's mom:
I know Chuck wanted to be on the Guitar World cover, but it
was in the days when the magazine represented a different
image than it does today. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt
that Chuck's reward for his music was for the only people
that mattered to him, his fans. He told me that shortly before
his death, during one of our many talks while reading his
email to him. And most important, the fans let him know it
while he was still here to enjoy it. That gave him immense
pleasure. I hope you all remember that and let it go.
March 17 2002
It seems that the Guitar World forum has been sabotaged. What
started out as a playful urging to get Chuck on the cover,
seems to have ended in a tasteless joke. Despite our requests
to keep civil, some people took it upon themselves to continue
in a rather uncivil way. With the 'high' number of entries
we surpassed our goal, and that's a pity. In our attempt to
promote Chuck's musical legacy in the best possible way, we
disassociate ourselves from the further developments on the
Guitar World messageboard. We can't help but wonder whether
Chuck would even want it this way. Thanks to those of you
who had good intentions and made civilized posts, but we have
to call it a day.
The EmptyWords team
March 5 2002
More information about the available shirts on the support
March 4 2002
Some of you probably noticed already, but the guestbook and
the book of condolences are down because of problems at Bravenet.
Keep checking back, they are working on it.
March 1 2002
We added Perry Grayson's history of Death (from Metal Maniacs),
check the memorial page.
We are pleased with the number of responses in the Guitar
World forum. Chuck wanted Guitar World to be a magazine
for guitarists, and was annoyed at seeing overrated, less
talented musicians (eg Courtney Love) on the cover. Remember,
slamming Guitar World won't get us anywhere, so keep it civil,
and keep the entries coming. Hopefully we can get Chuck on
the cover.
February 24 2002
As Chuck once said in an interview with Brave Words &
Bloody Knuckles (09/10-1998):
"One of my missions and goals is definitely to be
the cover story of Guitar World," he admits passionately.
"That would be like a personal dream. Everyone has dreams
and goals and you've gotta shoot high in life 'cause you only
live once. My goals are high and that's why I'm still here.
That's something that I would love, really love to see happen.
I'd be so thrilled, I can't even tell you. I've been doing
this a long time, I get really tired of seeing bands on the
cover just because they're popular. And not because they're
really empathising guitar work. I see a band like Matchbox
20 on the cover of Guitar World and I'm thinking, you can
barely hear their guitars. We need to start seeing people
who really are playing their instruments on the covers of
magazines like that."
At the moment there's a discussion
going on at the Guitar World forum about getting Chuck the
recognition he deserves. Why don't you all step in to give
your thoughts about this issue, and maybe get them to realize
one of Chuck's dreams. You can find it here: Schuldiner
gets no love from Guitar World
February 23 2002
Added the first memorial articles, from Aardschok and Rock
Tribune, check the memorial page.
February 21 2002
Message from Chuck's mom:
"I am so sorry for the delay in mailing the videos, but
there were hundreds of orders and along with the t-shirts
and my job, it just took time. The first batch were sent out
yesterday. Please expect 2 to 3 weeks from the time I receive
your order for it to arrive to you, and I want to thank each
and every one of you. Let me know what you think."
Jane Schuldiner
Any questions you have concerning the video and the shirts
you can ask Jane at mfbccj@yahoo.com
February 16 2002
Added four articles: a transcribed interview from the Metal
Mania Video Show (thanks Perry), an interview from Unchain
The Underground (thanks Greg), an interview from the Spanish
Mag, Grind Zone (thanks Aitor), and an interview from Ill
Literature. Check the TALKS*.
February 14 2002
The third book of the books of condolences has been posted.
February 8 2002
Another Italian article has been posted (from GrindZone, thanks
Vincenzo), check the TALKS*,
as well as three reviews (from Metal Judgment, thanks Laura),
check the VIEWS*.
January 31 2002
First, we'd like to thank those of you who took the time and
effort to send us worthwhile material for EmptyWords. At the
moment we are working through everything bit by bit. There's
still a lot to be done, so it will take a while before everything
is on the site. The first five articles are published, three
interviews (including two Italian articles, thanks Matteo),
check the TALKS* and two reviews
(thanks Aitor), check the VIEWS*.
The EmptyWords Team has promised
to continue supporting and promoting the legendary works of
Chuck Schuldiner. There was never any doubt in our minds that
we would continue with the site even after Chuck had passed
on. New and old fans alike still have much to gain from our
continually growing collection of articles, interviews, reviews
and other information pertaining to DEATH and CONTROL DENIED.
We thank all our friends in the international metal community
for helping us compile the contents of this site, and encourage
any of you who may have relevant material to send it to us.
It is our unshaken belief that Chuck's music will live on,
and it is our sincerest hope that through our efforts this
site will continue to be a valuable and current information
source for that music. This site now serves as a memorial
to one of the pivotal figures of metal music, the guitar virtuoso
and godfather of death metal, Chuck Schuldiner. May he rest
in peace.
January 28 2002
The February 11th release of the demo album "Zero Tolerance"
has been cancelled.
January 22 2002
A message from Bethann Schuldiner (Chuck's sister and executor
of his estate):
If my suspicions are not correct, then surely Mr. Hazeart
would be more than willing to turn over an inventory and accounting
of the auction in question. Since he stated he has no intention
of doing so, Chuck and my attorney, Scott Corbett will ask
for the assistance of the California state Attorney's office.
January 17 2002
Message from Chuck's mom:
Bethann (Chuck's sister) spent days trying to contact the
people who had the allbeat.com auction. Through his internet
provider it was discovered it was Thom Hazeart. Bethann also
got his cell telephone number, and spoke directly to him,
and he was outraged she had gotten the number. When she asked
him about the proceeds from the auction, he said there was
no money to send, he had spent it for postage and also there
was no merchandise left, he had sold it all, and what difference
did it make, Chuck was dead. Loathsome man. Chuck's attorneys
have contacted the State Attorney's office in California and
are investigating what charges are to be brought against him.
I have contacted MTV because they had that information on
their site to publisize the auction, innocently helping these
people commit the worst kind of fraud, making money off a
very, very bad, and ultimately fatal, illness. As a person,
this would sicken me, as Chuck's mother, there are no words
to express how horrified I am, and so sad for my son. It puts
a slur on the wonderful efforts of so many to help Chuck,
who unfortunately was made aware by friends this past year
that those things were happening. I wish Chuck had never known
that, it made him so sad and upset. I am writing this because
I want you all to beware of the vultures out there making
money off helpless victims.
We, Chuck's family, will continue that fight on his behalf.
Jane Schuldiner
January 15 2002
Luca is restyling the archived books of condolences to make
them visable on EmptyWords. The first two books are done and
published on the memorial page.
In the chaos of the first two days (sometimes over 10 entries
per minute) some of the entries got lost during the archiving
process. This happened with the first and last entries of
each book. We apoligize for that and thank you for all the
kind words of comfort.
Message from Chuck's
Dear Fans,
There was a VHS, professionally done, made of the different
stages of Chuck's life from the beginning to the end, to be
shown at Chuck's memorial on January 4, 2002. This was a wonderful
testament to him and I have decided to share it with any of
you who wishes to have it. There will be a donation of $ 25.00
for the video which will include shipping and handling, and
all proceeds will go towards Chuck's continuing expenses.
I am not having it go hrough his bank because of the 10.00
fee they charge for each transaction. The video can be ordered
from me with a $ 25.00 money order (or $25 cash when you're
from outside the USA) at my address which is:
Jane Schuldiner
613 east Citrus Street
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
January 13 2002
On the advice of Chuck's attorneys, any permission for benefits,
auctions, or anything else pertaining to Chuck Schuldiner
are to be given by Chuck's attorneys only. Any others are
unauthorized and not supported by Chuck's family,and will
be dealt with by these attorneys. This is being done because
of problems due to mishandling and confusion in the past,
to protect the fans and Chuck's interest. Please contact me
at the email address mfbccj@yahoo.com
and I will give you telephone numbers and addresses. The names
of these attorneys are Rick Muser, New York and Scott Corbett,
Orlando, Florida. I will be in touch soon with more information
concerning this situation.
Also, nobody has permission by Chuck's family to accept donations
of any sort, money or merchandise or anything else, in Chuck's
name or on his behalf. These can be sent to me, Jane Schuldiner
613 East Citrus Street, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701,
as they were in the past. I have friends of Chucks helping,
and all will be appreciated and acknowledged by me. Also,
unless it is issued by Beth Schuldiner or the above attorneys,
ignore any news about the new Control Denied album. Attorneys
are at this time reviewing options and contracts and any decisions
will be done in Chuck's interest. I had many talks with Chuck
about people not doing things in his best interest, and being
fully aware of behind the scenes manipulation detrimental
to his best interest, his wishes for the album were made clear.
Remember what Chuck always said, SUPPORT MUSIC, NOT RUMORS!
Even though it was a very tough battle at times, Chuck always
stayed clearminded and positive that he would get well, to
the very end of his life, literally. His many fans and friends
are responsible for that positive attitude because you always
gave him that hope with your emails, cards and letters. And
now you are sending emails helping his family through the
most difficult time of our lives, trying to cope with the
loss of the most wonderful person I have ever known, a much,
much loved and missed son, uncle and brother. As his sister
said, life has a haze over it with Chuck gone, and life will
never be the same.
Thank you for your support.
Jane Schuldiner (Chuck's mom)
January 10 2002
We just got home from Chuck's
memorial service in Florida. Chuck's mom is going to write
something about it for you all as soon as she is up to it.
The enormous number of entries in the books of condolence
are appreciated beyond words. We hope to post the books on
the site in the near future. As promised, we will continue
with EmptyWords to the best of our abilities. With that in
mind, we ask you once again to send us everything you have
that would be worthwhile to have on the site. There are a
lot of interviews and tourschedules out there that we still
don't have.
The sitekeepers