When we met
you the last time it was after an Iced Earth gig. We wondered
if you're still able to keep all the bands and projects apart?
Well I stay very
busy, but I like it that way. I like to always have something
going on and I really enjoy playing in all of the bands that I
am in. The bands that I am in are all metal, but they are each
very different sounding types of metal. Most of my time is taken
up with Burning Inside. We practice three or four times a week
here in Orlando where I live and we all spend a lot of time on
our own writing music for the band. We just finished writing our
new album. Also a lot of my time is spent practicing on my own.
I try to practice for two hours a day.
Can you
tell us something about what you're currently doing?
Right now I am
recording the demos for the new Burning Inside album at my house.
I also work during the day as an electrician and I try to exercise
and lift weights for an hour a day, so between that and my bands
I am always very busy.
A growing
amount of music lovers have come to recognize your drum abilities.
Was being in Death the Zappa-effect for you? I mean, was Death
the springboard which helped you launch your career?
Oh, definitely.
Death is the reason that people know my name and I am very thankful
to Chuck for giving me the chance to play in one my favorite bands.
I have been a Death fan for about twelve years now and I am a
big fan of Sean Reinert and Gene Hoglan. I think they are two
of the greatest drummers in music so it was a lot of pressure
to play in Death, and it is a great honor to have followed in
their footsteps.

We know Chuck's
story of your first encounter. (We can picture two of Orlando's
finest browsing through the music mags, hahaha). What's your story?
It was March of
1996 and I was with Steve Childers from Burning Inside at the
Altamonte Mall in Altamonte Springs Florida where Chuck lived.
Burning Inside had just moved to Florida from Missouri and I knew
that Chuck lived in Altamonte Springs so I was hoping to see him
somewhere. Well, Steve and I walked into a bookstore and Chuck
was reading a magazine. Steve and I looked at each other and couldn't
believe that it was Chuck. We introduced ourselves and talked
for a long time. Afterwards we were both very excited because
we are both huge Death fans.
was known for having a nose for good musicians. Was your entrance
in the band just a coincidence, or was it the logical next step
in your musical developement?
Well, a good friend
of mine named Rick Renstrom, who was also a good friend of Chucks
called and told me that Chuck was looking for a drummer and I
knew that it was the opportunity of a lifetime so we arranged
an audition. I was very nervous but everything went really well
because I had played along to the Death albums when I practiced
the drums by myself for many years.
We know about
the strong friendship between the two of you. Have you been able
to come to terms with Chuck's loss?
It is still hard
for me to accept that Chuck is gone. Every time I hear a great
new song or see a cool new movie I wish that Chuck was here to
enjoy it too. We were very much into the same things, like music
and movies, and our sense of humour was very much alike. It was
so great to have a friend that made such great music and was also
so much fun to hang out with. We had many great times together
and I cherish the memories that I have of Chuck.
For many
Death was very special, we assume for you as well. Can you tell
us what it is for you that makes Death so unique?
Death was the first
extremely heavy band that I ever heard that mixed heaviness with
melody. Chuck's riffs were very original and had their own sound.
Chuck's lyrics were like poetry, there was a lot of feeling in
them, and I think a lot of fans could relate to his lyrics, especially
the later albums.
Is there still
life after Death anyway, musically and technically?
It was very
challenging playing in Death, especially when I played Sean and
Gene's parts live, and I know touring with Death made me a much
better drummer. I will continue to try to improve my playing,
because it is a neverending thing and I'm thankful that playing
in Death helped me to improve my drumming techniques.
With Iced Earth
you played so sober and tight, that we got the feeling that you
were restraining yourself, and for almost three hours at that.
Do you feel that Jon Schäfer allows you enough freedom as
a drummer?
Yes, I really enjoy
playing Iced Earth's style of drumming, I would never want to
go into a band and drastically change what was done before me
so I am trying to stick with what Mark and Brent had done on the
recent Iced Earth stuff. I play with a metronome with Iced Earth
which is actually just as hard as playing very technical music
because I have to be exactly on time with the click.
I would ask
for a raise if I were you, also for the many blisters you showed
us and still no complaining....
I've become used
to the blisters, I actually expect it when I tour. Especially
when we are doing three hour shows. I don't think human hands
are made to take that much abuse.
When did you
get your first drumkit? I remember I had to nag a lot with my
Well, I got a snare
drum when I was 10 and I played that for a year. At age 11 my
parents bought me an old 1940's era Gretsh drumset for 100 dollars
which is very cheap for a drumset. I am still very thankful that
they supported my musical interests. They would even let me play
my drums at night when they were sleeping, after a while they
got accustomed to the noise.

What equipment
are you currently using, and how is your kit set up?
I use Pearl Drums,
Axis drum pedals, Vater Drumsticks, and Sabian cymbals. I have
a nine piece double bass set with a rack system. I also have three
electronic Simmons drum pads which I like to use for drum fills
in Burning Inside. I also used them on the new Control Denied.
Did you ever
take lessons, or did you drop out like Chuck did after two Christmas
I started taking
lessons in school at age ten and I still try to take lessons whenever
I have the time. I mostly buy my own drum books now and teach
myself for a couple hours a day.
Who are you
influenced by?
Bobby Jarzombek,
Shannon Larkin, Rick Colaluca, Terry Bozzio, Sean Reinert, Gene
Hoglan, Alex Van Halen, Chad Sexton, Alex Marquez, Ed Begley Jr.
We still haven't
got your list of 5 favorite albums, here's your chance..
Galactic Cowboys-Galactic
King Diamond-Them
Malevolent Creation-Retribution
Back to reality.
What about the last Control Denied album that is still laying
on the shelves? Chuck told us, at the beginning of 2001, that
your drum tracks were recorded. He was very proud of it and said
that you really outdid yourself on this record. Will it ever see
the light of day?
Yes, hopefully
some time next year. The drums are finished and Chucks guitars
are finished. It is an honor to be complemented by Chuck, because
I have been a fan of his for so long, and ten years ago I could
have never imagined that I would play in one of my favorite bands
and be getting compliments from Chuck. I would describe the new
music as being very melodic with some parts that will have people
shaking their heads thinking, what just happened? Because there
are some very creative technical parts and many odd time signatures
mixed in with Chucks signature guitar riffs. I am certain that
the fans will love it.
First shopping
The Fragile Art Of Existence. Then Chuck's illness and now the
second Control Denied album getting off the ground very problematicly....
It seems like there's resting a curse on Death's re-incarnation,
which Chuck was very proud of.....
music business is very unpredictable and complicated, there is definitely
a dark side to it, hopefully the new album will overcome the problems
and be available soon to all of Chucks fans that have been waiting
patiently for it. |
Are you still
in touch with the other guys?
Yes, I talk to
them on the phone when I can. I saw Scott Clendenin at a show
about a month ago and I saw Steve when I was in California in
What are your
plans for the future?
To keep practicing
and try to improve on the drums. To tour as much as possible.
To help finish the new Control Denied album. To practice playing
the guitar more, I have had a guitar for ten years now, but in
the last few years I have been playing it a lot more and I love
it! And to record and tour with Iced Earth and Demons and Wizards.
Last but not
least, tell us all about T-Back!
T-BACK is a character
in a low budget comedy movie that I made a few years back. I have
made four comedy films and my newest one was premiered at a movie
theater here in Orlando. It was a dream come true seeing my movie
on the big screen and I hope to film another movie in the near
future, so expect to see a lot more of T-BACK! Thanks! Take Care!