Interview with Chuck Billy
by Götz Kühnemund.
Chuck, how are you?
Considering the circumstances pretty good. I just finished three
months of chemotherapy and I will hear the next couple of days
whether or not I have to undergo surgery.
This festival was initiated by your roommate Walter. Did he surprise
you with the idea?
You can say that indeed! I didn't know anything of the idea up
till a few weeks ago. Walter knew I had a rough time financially
and I would have a hard time to deal with the fall out of the
work with Testament financially. Therefore he organized this great
Old-School-Festival, for which I'm truly grateful.
Did it surprise you that almost all your old buddies promised?
Yes, it surprised me indeed. Some of the musicians that are on
stage here had completely vanished from the face of the earth.
You plan to give half of the proceeds to Chuck Schuldiner. (Which
Chuck Billy already did and for which the Schuldiner's are grateful
beyond words/YK) Was this your idea?
Yes. I'm in contact with Chuck and his mom and I know how hard
help is needed there. It's great that all my Bay Area-Friends
want to help me out, but Chuck Schuldiner is doing far worse than
me. I came out of my chemotherapy pretty undamaged -beside the
loss of hair and the weight gain. Chuck on the other hand, is
having a very hard time financially and on top of that his health
gotten worse. At the moment he's taking a new medicine which isn't
really tested and has very heavy side effects.
Did you have to rearange your life?
Yes, I quit drinking and smoking pot and I can't eat everything
that I would like to eat.
How will your music career go from here?
It will take some time, before I can tour with Testament again,
but I don't doubt at all that I'll make it. After all the hardest
part of my illness is already behind me.
Festival review:
It's been over ten years since we first travelled to San Francisco
to investigate the scene over there. At the end of the eighties
and early nineties the Bay Area-Scene was the musical opposite
of the trendy Los Angeles, where "poser"-bands dominated, and
brought about a dozen bands, whose mere mention still make the
connoisseurs slaver. Ten years later there's not much left from
the once prosperous location. Metallica and Machine Head probably,
the best known Bay Area-bands, 40 Grit, Skinlab and Unjust represent
the second generation, and with Man Made God is the hopeful newcomber
in the starting blocks. The rest is depressing....
...which there wasn't much of when the Heathen guitarists Lee
Altus and Ira Black welcomed us at the airport. Ira (just recently
on the road in Europe as Vicious Rumors guitarist) as well as
Lee (lost all joy in music after the short guest appearance with
Die Krupps) are looking forward to this show. They will of course
never admit it, but the fact that Lee's small house has tons of
guitars, effects and amplyfiers laying around, says enough...
Change of scenes: In a building in the darkest part of Oakland
rages the normal Bay Area-madness. One after another Forbidden,
Heathen, Testament and Legacy rehearse. The Vio-Lence-guys start
off, fans from Japan and Sweden come by as a matter of course
-and the old public spirit suddenly rises again. With all its
bizarre excesses: Heathen vocalist David White complains about
the volume of the guitarists; who grin and -when Dave leaves the
room for a second- turn up their amps even more. The setlist gets
discussed as well as the running-order of the show, because the
demand from Vio-Lence to play at the end sets bad blood. The organizers
visit the scene and with the right amount of dope and beer a spontaneous
party starts. Demos from new projects are being exchanged. Although
every musician swears to not having played "the old songs in years",
it's amazing how tightly all band present themselves. The former
Legacy and Exodus vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza states at the end
of the night, somewhat embittered: "it's great to see the old
friends again and to revel in memories. Every musician present
here has more potential as the current charts toppers. The music
industry sold out the entire Bay Area-scene and with it squeezed
it like a lemon. Everybody made money out of it except the musicians,
and when we didn't bring about enough money anymore we were replaced
by the next trend. But we're not dead yet -and we will come again!"
On showday the frustrations of the true friends are vanished.
And HEATHEN, opening explicitely
asked for by vocalist David, are being welcomed as returned lost
sons by the 700 fans already present of the 2300 in the sold-out
venue. David, who's been living the past few years as a "born-again
Christian", in any case didn't want to mingle with the ego struggles
of the other bands. "We're all here to help Chuck- personal vanities
are completely out of place here." Indeed, especially because
Heathen delivered a brilliant show: the demanding guitar harmonies
were played perfectly, and behind the backline the son of the
deceased Vicious Rumors-vocalist Carl Albert (Carl Albert jr.)
together with Ira's two-year old son and heir bang their souls
out. But not only the guitar duo Lee Altus/Ira Black did an excelent
job: David White's vocals were beyond all doubts, Darren Minter
(also active with the Krupps for a while) worked his drum kit
into the ground, and true bassist Yaz -a ruthless Party-Animal-
took unselfish care of the very special contributions to the show.
Especially his totally sensless announcements were hilarious:
when Dave after "Open The Grave" and "Set Me Free" directed some
words towards Chuck Billy, Yaz supported him by summoning all
women to call him at his voluntarily given number after the show.
He would "satisfy their lusts guaranteed".... After this intermezzo
the show was continued with "Goblin's Blade", "Heathen's Song"
and "Opiate Of The Masses" it ended way too soon. Hopefully we'll
get a chance to see this band again at one of the next years'
Open Airs! (tk)
The second band FLOTSAM & JETSAM
didn't fit quite into the image next to S.O.D. and Anthrax. Because
a) they're not from the Bay Area and b) they weren't reformed
for this benefit-festival. How did Eric and company (who as we
later that week found out, played with this festival his last
gig with F&J) get on this bill? The answer: they were asked
at the last minute to fill in the gap Laaz Rockit left, which
singer Michael Coons was admitted in a rehabilitation centre.
Thinking of Hetfield and associates, apparently one of the Bay
Area favorite places to be. Apropos Metallica: of course Lars,
Kirk and Jason -next to some other promise as Tom Araya, Paul
Bostaph and John Tempesta- were invited, but none of the three
showed up in the Maritime Hall. Jason supposedly unable to come,
and Kirk and "Shit Talker" Lars (as he's being called in the Bay
Area) according to inside information, were threatened by Exodus.
Both didn't dare to come to the lion's cave. But back to Flotsam:
the old thrashers are hardly recognizable on stage (who privately
belong to the most introvert bands ever anyway), played as if
they had to prove that their appearance here was legitimate. On
the setlist were songs from the "Metal Shock"-demo ('Hammerhead')
to the last album "My God" ('Dig Me Up To Burry Me') and they
were being received pretty well by 1500 visitors. The true highlights,
as we all knew, were still to come.... (gk)
I have to confess, I never did care much for the Techno-Thrash
of SADUS, not even when math students
as colleague Kaiser, upon hearing the name, wet their pants. On
this evening their performance suffered from a quite indefinable
sound, which killed the many nuances of the complex material.
Still the trio was received well in the packed venue, and fired
tracks as "Sadus Attack", the enchanted applauded "Crutch", "Certain
Death" and "Twisted Face" into the auditorium. As been said about
the stylistic character of the band spirits may be devided, but
judges for their instrumental capabilities Sadus was one of the
best bands of the festival. (tk)
After Sadus with FORBIDDEN EVIL (cool,
that they performed under their Demo-Name!) followed the first
real highlight of the day. Loudly announced from a tastelessly
dressed Billy Milano, who played the pause clown all day. And
Forbidden Evil, with Russ Anderson on the mike in a shining mood,
played the show of their lives! Squatters like "Off The Edge",
"Through Eyes Of Glass", "One Foot In Hell" and the old demo-classic
"Chalice Of Blood" changed the entire venue in a gigantic Moshpit,
in which several Scene-veterans took part. When on top of that
Paul Bostaph (ex-Forbidden drummer) took place behind the drumkit,
nothing could be stopped! Nobody was bothered about the fact that
original guitarist Craig Locicero couldn't be here because he's
in the studio with his new band, Man Made God, at the moment nor
about the fact that bassist Matt Camacho almost cut as much hair
as Russ Anderson gained weight. Shortly, it was gigantic! (gk)
Then came the (premature) highlight of the entire festival: when
DEATH ANGEL entered the stage to
greet the audience, hell broke loose and we had the feeling that
we were being catapulted right back into the glory days of the
Bay Area! Frontman Mark Osegueda whiped up the feeling to unexpected
heights, thanked the audience, that came from all corners of the
country, heartened Chuck Billy and delivered an unbelievable gig
with his band. Already with the old demo-classic "Kill As One"
things couldn't be stopped anymore, the audience were upside down.
The band self were visibly surprised and grew further during the
show, stimulated by the unbelievable reaction from the audience,
and fired killer songs as "Mistress Of Pain" or the last song
"Seemingly Endless Time" super tight through the speakers. This
band definitely split up too soon, the Death Angel members are
only in the late 20's, and have enough fire within to start a
second career. When the band after this world class show said
goodbye and left the stage totally exhausted, there only were
shining and enchanted faces all around. There will be another
Death Angel gig in San Francisco in October but a reunion is not
in discussion.
If there was to be one band in the Bay Area that was looked up
to by all musicians respectfully it would have to be EXODUS.
For the "Godfathers Of Thrash Metal" were waited with great tension-
and the band presented themselves, considering their unhealthy
way of life, pretty tight. According to guitarist Gary Holt (meanwhile
pushing forward a proud belly) they were able to pull themselves
through 5 rehearsels, and although with every rehearsal only two
songs were being played and then they got back to drinking beer
and smoking pot again, the band ruled. Beside the somewhat jolting
start, which was due to the fact that there wasn't any monitor
sound and the opener "Pleasures Of The Flesh" wasn't appropriate
while everybody was awaiting "Bonded By Blood". It took some time
for the band to warm up, but then killer songs like "And Then
There Were None" and "Exodus" were blown out of the PA sharp as
knives. Bassist Jack Gibson together with drummer Tom Hunting
took care of a super tight groove, the "H-team" Rick Hunolt and
Gary Holt gave every guitar student visual college free of charge
and frontman Paul Baloff roared himself like an irritated sow,
through the gig. Some things (thank God) never change. Baloff,
who reminds me more and more of a freak brother from the legendary
Robert Crumb-comics, was visible happy when Zetro Souza climb
the stage to share the vocals of "Brain Dead". Cool show and at
the same time a reconciliation of the Exodus guys! (tk)
S.O.D. didn't actually fit into the bill, but got greeted
with the same loudness as all previous bands, which could also
be because of the unbelievable popularity of mister Milano. And
indeed Billy was in excellent shape today: earlier causing lots
of laughs as the pause clown, during the S.O.D. set he just outgrew
himself: he made a fool of everybody including himself, made class
announcements and imitated the quaking voice of his sidekick Scott
Ian inimitable: every time Scott tried to say a few words, the
entire venue fell laughing on the ground! Even sleeping pills
Danny Liker was wide awake, having visible fun and banged like
a madman. Only disappointment of the short gig: Tom Araya didn't
show up, as planned, for a familiar version of "Raining Blood"
because his son was loudly protesting and daddy had to go home
early. Therefore S.O.D. played the Slayer song, out of necessity,
as a short instrumental and left the stage to make place for the
next band. (gk)
To celebrate the day ANTHRAX only
played songs from the Belladonna period, even vocalist John Bush
was excited about it. The fact that he's singing songs like "Caught
In A Mosh", "Indians", "Gung-Ho", "Got The Time" or "Bring The
Noise" better than his predecessor is already known. That they
would receive such euphoria in the Bay Area, Thomas and I never
would have guessed that to be possible. Anthrax was celebrated
as if they had been vanished for this earth for the past ten years,
and with as much joy they played. Chuck Billy watched the spectacle
from out his "hiding" behind Charlie Benantes drumkit and was
later as enchanted by his New York friends as the rest of the
employees. (gk)
In the Bay Area the opinions about VIO-LENCE
are divided. While the fans like to refer to the unbelievable
agressive live-shows of the combo, critics counter with the arguments
that these guys are merely a second generation Bay Area-Thrash
band and therefore are a weak copy from things that have already
been. The truth as always is somewhere in the middle. But one
fact can't be argued about, and that's that Vio-Lence celebrated
thrash metal in its most original form. Riffs sewed to riffs,
seldom were there any "disturbing" melodic lines, and the band
around the truely crazy frontman Sean Killian spread an almost
touchable power. Yet with the demand of getting high on the billing
they didn't do themselves a favor, because the Maritim Hall at
this point already emptied, but with songs like "Bodies On Bodies"
or "World In A World" the guys whiped up their die hard fans once
more. A pity that Robb Flynn was not persuaded to be part of this
gig. (tk)
When, loudly demanded by the audience LEGACY
entered the stage at 2AM, it was just once more unfasten all power
reserves. Meanwhile short haired Alex Skolnick was celebrated
from his first solo as was Ritchie Blackmore in his best days.
Which proves the exceptional value of the Bay Area-String King.
Even frontman Zetro, who sang quite more melodic LEGACY than later
on with Exodus, was exited about his band colleague: "Look at
this guy!", he stated more than once. "Isn't he unbelievable?!".
Indeed! Alex played old demo-classics like "Alone In The Dark",
"Burnt Offering" and "Reign Of Terror" like a young God, and didn't
let Paul Bostaph and Steve DiGiorgio (who both climbed on the
stage later) eat the Show-butter from his bread. Just when the
LEGACY set was slowly diluted with Testament songs, Alex stepped
back from the stagelights to make place for two other star guests:
first White Zombie/Rob Zombie-drummer John Tempesta got behind
the drumkit playing "Over The Wall" and somewhat later to crown
the day, Chuck Billy himself got on stage to fire a mercyless
version of "Into The Pit" into the audience. The following cheers
of "Chuck! Chuck!" echoed in our ears for long.....(gk)
Walter Morgan, organizer of the Thrash Of The Titans benefit regarding
his motives to get the festival going:
"For a few years I've been living with Chuck Billy and I used
to work for bands like Legacy, Exodus and also Testament. When
Chuck was diagnosed with cancer, I immediately got the idea to
organize a benefit show. Chuck gave a lot to the Bay Area community,
and I realised pretty quickly that his illness would get him into
financial problems, because he can't do -beside Testament- his
normal job as well. In a perfect world this would not have happened,
but I'm glad we took the risk of this show. Vio-Lence, Forbidden
and Exodus are actually talking about recording another album,
the Death Angel guys would have never reformed if this special
occasion would not have taken place, so the circle has come 'round
Personally the most beautiful
part of this event is the relaxed atmosphere, all the musicians
took their kids with them. Even Tom Araya made the trip with his
wife and two kids." (tk)

Chuck Billy *

Steve Di Giorgio

Billy Milano

Death Angel

Exodus with
Zetro & Baloff

Ira Black

Flotsam &

Darren Travis

Glen Alvelais

Mark Osegueda

Rick Hunolt

Danny Lilker



Alex Skolnick

Walter Morgan*