Review: Human
Magazine: Rock Hard / Germany
Written by: Götz Kühnemund
Published: December 1991

Whether you like the guy or not, Chuck Schuldiner proves with "Human", as always, that he is still sitting on the death metal throne, and is not thinking about abdication as is speculated.

"Human" turned out to be exactly what many didn't expect anymore, one of the best death metal records ever!!! Eight real "songs" to hear on it; "songs" in the proper sense of the word, no conceptless riff orgies, but as thought through structured little works of art.

The guitar playing and especially the drumming, are about overshadowing all that was ever produced in death metal. On top of it are Chuck's irreplaceable vocals, a lot more aggressive and powerful than the so-called "heavy" noise of most of the other grunters. Next to all brashness DEATH radiates as always, this album is a lot more pronounced and therefore more musical than its predecessors.

Of course, you have to be an experienced death metal listener to be able to recognize it. For example, the opener "Flattening Of Emotions" is combining all the quality marks of this band: complicated yet very tight riffs; powerful, driving bassdrums; polished rhythms; perverse yet powerful expressive vocals and an excellent production, if not, representing Scott Burns' Masterpiece up till now.

Obvious conclusion: "Human" is a mile-stone in death metal, although musically considered, it's surpassing the genre by far.

An album you just HAVE to hear!!!

Rate ~9½~

Götz Kühnemund


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Translated by YK/CM for EmptyWords-Published on October 4 1999