a certain magazine that cant really be seen as good friends
of Chuck Schuldiner nowadays.
Heavy Oder Was!? / Germany
Article: Gesichter Des Todes
Written by: Kai Becker
Published: May/June 1995
How do you know?
Well, I followed
that whole history closely and read all the articles about it. |
Do they still write about that? |
No, the subject seems to have
been dropped around a year ago. Since then I haven't read anything
about your battle.
Yeah, they write very nice things about me every year. Those
guys have a problem. They dont know how to be professionals
in their business. They rather choose to make fun of people instead
of writing about the music. Its about time they get a grip
on their problem. I dont like those methods at all and therefore
Id rather talk with people who are interested in my music.
After all, Im a musician playing in a band. |
reasonable. I just wanted to ask because I didnt have any
problems with you in the previous interviews and I actually remember
you as nice to get on with and a decent conversation partner. |
I only have problems with people who make problems for me.
I like talking about music, the band and all that goes with it.
That should be the content of an interview. Nevertheless, its
not clear to some magazines. In the States there are also some,
as I would like to call them, black sheep that only
want to publish dirt about bands, far from the truth. Those things
unfortunately happen from time to time. In America theres
one magazine I do have problems with. The case is, that you have
to learn to deal with those people. I try to avoid them completely
and not do interviews with them. I dont want to talk about
shit with them. |
can imagine you still have hard feelings towards this magazine. |
I dont even think about this magazine anymore, as
long as nobody comes close to me. They hopefully live their own
lives. I dont respect human beings who want to make a mug
out of me, or try to drag my name and band through the mud. My
life means very much to me, after all I only have one. My obvious
goal is to play music for life. Whenever someone tries to meddle
with it, I have a problem with it. I always thought magazines
were supposed to support bands, take them by the hand. They might
have a problem, but Im not a part of it. Im here because
of the music and I hope to be able to enchant listeners. As a
fan I would certainly not be pleased when a magazine published
shit about my favorite band. I would boycot them immidiately. |
you think that after all the annoyance about the cancelled tours
and the stress with the magazine, that the reputation of Death
was affected by it? |
(Chuck about his fans)
No, but it did affect the image of certain other people.
I put my name back into the real light again. I dont care
very much about the press, because the fans are in power. Actually
the magazines should be run by fans, but unfortunately theyre
not in reality. They are being published too often by people who
abuse the power of the press all too eagerly. It isn't often that
I have problems with the press though. And if it happens I avoid
them and concentrate on my music. When I would play along with
them, I would be the same. Are you good friends with them? You
seem to be very curious. |
thats part of my job. I just try to understand both sides
and to maybe give you the opportunity to straighten some things
out. |
Theres no other side. They are slanderous, which is
not a magazine characteristic that is to be praised. As a fan
you dont joke around with a band, if you do, youre
not a fan but an authoritarian asswhipe. I dont like that
at all. My life will go on without this piece of paper. I owe
them nothing and they owe me nothing. We both can live perfectly
without each other. I only have problems with those who make problems
for me. Thats why its so important for me to be a
musician. Music is my way to express myself. I often wonder who
raised those people. However, I dont want to start a war
between us. They live their lives, I live mine. There are dozens
of other bands that they can write about. |
you believe that the press is too powerful? |
No way! Its known that the press has a certain power.
Its just that some dont know how to handle that power
professionaly. You can either use or abuse power. No matter whether
you write for a magazine or youre the owner of a restaurant.
The way you relate to people is decisive. I try to respect people
and I dont hurt them. That should always be the way. It
would be woeful if some day a magazine came on the market that
would only make fun of all the other magazines. That would be
completely crazy. Im a musician and not a part of a soap
opera. Its easy, too easy to judge others. It takes more
strength to create than to criticize. Unfortunately too many people
only criticize instead of creating something new. We, as a band,
created a new album this year. I dont know what others did,
but we can subscribe an absolute killer album with Symbolic
to our account. Therefore Im very, very happy and satisfied.
I can tell by all the letters we get that our fans are behind
us and believe in DEATH. We have a very personal thread to our
fans and they know it. We answer all letters, were not assuming
the airs of a rockstar. I still visit concerts, buy albums and
t-shirts. I didnt change, yet in the meantime Im in
the middle of a complex business. |
you notice some loss of your reputation on both European tours
after the release of Individual Thought Patterns,
or were your fans loyal. |
(Chuck going crazy about ANVIL)
In any case they were, more as ever before. When the press
came on to me, it was proved to me how loyal the fans really are
and how little power the press has to influence the minds of the
fans. As I told before, I read a lot of fanmail, as much as I
can. I often write back and therefore I know what they think and
they know from my lyrics what I think. The fans know that were
very common. After the shows they can talk with us. I really like
to give interviews, because a lot of press guys still are fans.
Thats how it should be. To me, only the fans are important.
The writers are behind their desks, receiving dozens of CDs
for free. I know how it goes. They get it all for free and criticize
whether they like it or not. I dont need that
of all the annoyance, the bands reputation seems to be established.
Having its origins in the awesome live shows and the brilliant
songs. You can say that despite all criticism DEATH came out stronger,
more mature and grew as a band. |
"I can relate to that opinion 100%. People can do whatever
they want, to damage my name, but they dont stand a chance,
because I know the truth. So do our fans, they alertly read our
lyrics and listen to our music. I dont mind to take up a
challenge. It hasnt always been easy to bounce back from
all the shit that is to be read for two years already in press
country. I know that the fans are behind the person Chuck Schuldiner
100%. I have their letters at home proving that. That motivates
me to continue with the band. |
The question
rises how Chuck would describe himself. What kind of human being
he is to his opinion.
Im probably just like everybody else, liking the simple
things of life. I love my dogs and cats, I like to go to the beach,
I like to spend time in the country, barbecueing with friends.
I like all that others probably like as well. |
you shut your eyes for a moment and think about your past, what
do you see? |
I see many highs and lows. People who try to bring my life
out of order and people who choose to stand by me. I know that
the latter know how much I appreciate their support. Besides I
see a lot of people I dont consider my friends after 12
years of DEATH. On the other hand I always had the opportunity
to make new friends. Although my experiences certainly strengthened
me, I still stayed a vulnerable person, after all life is quite
often painfull, like with all the shit that was written about
DEATH. I know for sure that DEATH will release other albums, no
matter what is being written about our band. Who cares about the
writings anyway? The fans are far more important, and there will
always be DEATH fans. When they hear the next DEATH album they
will know weve kept our promise. We will always be a metal
band and never play grunge or anything like that. Were musicians
and honest guys and thats certainly to be heard on Symbolic,
because the music is straight from the heart. |
you said before, DEATH as a band has already existed 12 years.
It can be said that back then DEATH was one of the founders of
a new music style. These years things have changed. A few years
ago there was the glorious death metal scene in Tampa/Florida.
That disappeared like snow in summer. |
(Chuck about his reputation)
The scene shrinks and shrinks. Its cool that so many
bands hooked up in this scene, but most of them unfortunately
sounded similar. As soon as there is too much, the quality of
the scene is endangered. Some bands split up, others go on. Those
who continue arent afraid to try and walk new paths. Thats
exactly what were trying to do. Try to change all the time.
At the moment the scene is going through a major change and I
hope traditional metal will revive soon. Because thats where
first ANTHRAX album was heavenly, a real killer disc. I still
like to listen to those old records these days, because they can
still inspire me. This music still came out of the heart. From
traditional metal other styles arose. |
you ever had a chance to be on stage with one of your favorite
bands. |
Once I had the opportunity to play in a show with ANVIL.
Meeting those guys was a great honor for me. It was a very good
feeling to share the stage with one of the bands that influenced
me. By the way, the name NASTY SAVAGE occures to me, they are
from around here. We could open some shows for them in the early
80s. I remember I totally freaked when I heard about it.
For that matter I really like to look back on those old days,
because things were more simple then. It was about music and not
about things around the music. People were so excited that there
wasnt even time to write rubbish. Everybody was so fascinated
about the new EXCITER disc, that it wouldnt even occur to
say: hey, did you hear already, what an idiot this guy from EXCITER
is? Noone cared about it as long as his band made good music. |
good music with DEATH anno 1995 is big, very big. On Symbolic
Chuck was supported once more by drum God Gene Hoglan and newbees
Bobby Koelble (guitar) and Kelly Conlon (bass). They replaced
Steve DiGiorgio (ex-Sadus) and Andy LaRocque (KING DIAMOND). |
Steves wife had a baby and he wandered more and more
from metal. It was foreseen he would leave the band. We had a
great time with him and we completely understand his position.
In his place came Kelly, from Orlando and a killer bassist. Hes
a very positive and easy-going person. Andy had to go back to
his job with KING DIAMOND again, obviously I had to go search
for a replacement for him also. I wanted to sign on Bobby, who
I once met at high school. I asked some of his friends for his
number and got Kellys number as well. The two already knew
each other which made it easier and accelerated things. Besides
we are all of the same age, around 26/27 years old and we have
the attitude DEATH needs. |
cant suppress to sound a thousand praises of his fellow
musicians and the new producer Jim Morris, co-owner of Morrisound
Studios in Tampa. I remember the previous interview when Chuck
promised to work again with Scott Burns. After all, he was like
the fifth band member. |
Scott unfortunately wasnt available because he was
working with some other bands in the studio. Jim was the only
reasonable alternative. He liked the idea and agreed to work with
us. He had the experience to support us in our strive after recording
an as natural sounding album as possible. I think considering
the production the difference compared to our former albums is
obvious. |
is the perfect mix of brutal songs like DEATH just knocked them
off in the early years and the more technical, progressive tracks
like on the two previous albums Human and Individual
Thought Patterns. |
(Chuck contra the press)
I heard that more. I knew this album would be very special.
I wrote the songs together with Gene, even before Kelly and Bobby
joined the band. We were sitting at my house taping the songs
on an 8-track recorder. We pottered the songs constantly. We took
enough time, we did not hurry and out came a solid album titled
Symbolic. This working process was very important
to reach such a result. I can recommend every band to get an 8-track
a.s.a.p. and use the same process. |
favorite piece on Symbolic is Crystal Mountain,
yet, what are crystal mountains? |
They are synonimous for my over critical neighbours, which
this song is all about. They believe they live a perfect life
in a crystal mountain. Unfortunately, I live next door to this
religious fanatics, who live unwordly and certainly not in the
just described mountains. Im sorry but those people are
not that different from me. They have to pay taxes also and they
should not be disturbed by looks like long hair. Although its
not religious at all my neighbours are filled with hate and judge
me. In this song theres a cross changing into a sword, symbolic
for the abuse of their religion. I have nothing against religion
in general, but religion should not be directed against others.
In Crystal Mountain I expressed my hate and anger
towards these people. Its easy to see that Symbolic
contains very personal songs, i.e. Empty Words, every
day you say things to people that later appear to be empty. Its
easy to promise mountains of gold, yet its hard to keep
this promise. Spoken words should have a meaning and not just
be hollow phrases just being said to be said. You should think
about what you want to say and you have to be sure to say what
you mean. I hope people can relate to this theme because it definitely
is a very personal song." |