describe it as if it’s all pretty normal.
“It’s been long enough to be able to talk about it
normally. It was quite instructive for me to make a new start
on all fronts. Believe me, these kind of health problems make
you look at life completely different. At the moment I’m
very happy to have a roof over my head, and enough to eat on the
table. Luckely I gather some equipement as well. I’m being
endorsed by the guitar brand Caparison and I got some studio equipement
from Mark Of The Unicorn. It’s a hard-disk recording system,
qualitavily to compare with ProTools. With this stuff I’m
going to record the Death tribute the coming time.”
‘Within The Mind’ is being know as ‘the tribute
album of James Murphy’, originally the idea for a tribute
came from Deron Miller, singer/guitarist of the American rockband
“Deron was one of those people who tried to support me through
email during my illness. He told me how Chuck and me influenced
him to become a guitarplayer himself. Deron didn’t do bad
since. His band CKY –nothing to do with death metal at all-
is under contract with Island Records and is doing pretty good
in America. An interesting correspondence developed between us
and after a few months Deron came with the idea of releasing a
Death tribute.”

The idea
of a worthy Death tribute does appeal to James, but he’s
not very eager to ask the Schuldiner family for their permission.
“Since Chuck’s
death I have been intensively in contact with his mother Jane
on the phone, and I didn’t want to burden them with this.
Although there’s no
need for permission for a tribute album, I would never be able
to release such a CD without their approval. So at first I did
nothing with the plans, but because Deron kept nagging me, I eventually
presented the idea to Chuck’s
mom and sister. They reacted much more enthousiast than I expected.
Jane said that she probably would not have given permission to
anybody else, and that they trusted me with this. I have to say,
that felt pretty good.”
How does
such a project further get off the
“After I contacted a few people, the plans for the tribute
spread through the scene like wild-fire. Most musicans contacted
me themselves, but others I personally asked. Nick Barker for
instance. I already knew him from the days he was the drum-roadie
of Cancer and since then he became one of the best extreme metal
drummers on earth. I asked him two months ago on the Florida Death
Fest, if he wanted to join on the CD, he didn’t have to
think one second. I still am being contacted by people who want
to play. Also by bands, who offer me recordings of Death covers,
but that’s not the intention.”
Are you
aware of the negative image of the word ‘tribute-CD’?
“Certainly. Nowadays tribute CD’s are being released
of the strangests bands. The other day I saw ‘A Tribute
To Mushroomhead’. Something I don’t understand at
all, because that band only released two albums themselves. But
of course such albums are only being released to have a quick
one from the reputation of the band. Why this tribute is different?
Well, for starters there will not be complete bands on it. It’s
about individual musicians, it’s about cross-fertilization
of excisting bands. In example in ‘Together As One’
you will hear Richard Christy on drums, Mark Hunter from Chimaira
singing, Paul from Slipknot on bass, and Deron Miller from CKY
and me on guitar.”
difference compared to the usual tribute albums is that several
musicians that take part have played with Chuck.
“That’s right, although they won’t play their
own songs of course. It would be totally senseless to let Richard
drum songs from ‘The Sound Of Perseverance’ again.
Instead you now can hear how ‘Human’ would have sound
when Richard would have been in the band at that time.”
I heard Slipknot cover a Morbid Angel song during a sound check
I know their metal roots are okay. Chimaira’s music on the
contrary doesn’t give the impression that Death ever was
of great musical influence to them.
“Why not?
Chimaira is pretty heavy, but just chose another approach. Their
singer Mark Hunter once started as a drummer and always admired
Death because of the interersting drumwork. Also Mick from Slipknot
and Deron from CKY are true die hard metalheads. They grew up
with death metal and that genre inspired them to learn to play
an instrument themselves. I’m very glad about these kind
of musicians participating on the tribute, and I think because
of their appearance a whole new generation of listeners is going
to learn to know the music of Death. I don’t think Chuck
would have objected to not death metal fans listening to his music.”

To what
extend will the performance of the songs differ from the original?
Are we going to get to hear a Slipknot-blast-version of ‘Pull
The Plug’?
“Basically I leave that to the musicians themselves. I won’t
except drastic, avantgard corruptions though, but if someone wants
to do different drum rolls or solo’s, that’s fine.
Gratuitouosly copying the original version of the song isn’t
interesting for anybody. They are all talented musicians, so about
the quality of the music I don’t worry at all. I think there
will be around 14 tracks on the album. Besides there will be a
free DVD with images of the realization and interviews with the
participating musicians.”
How far
are you with the recordings?
“At this moment we only recorded 5 drumtracks, 1 basstrack,
and 1 vocaltrack. Other recordings were scheduled, but the band
suddenly got offered a tour and was not available all at once.
I’m afraid those things are going to happen more often.
All participating musicians have record deals and take part in
bands that tour regularly.”
The Mind’ is a typical project that you can bring into perfection
“We will try to set a clear deadline for ourselves. I still
aim for a fall release. No, I’m not under contract at Mascot
Records, but as a producer I’m sidewise involved with this
project. Recently I signed a deal with Nuclear Blast for making
a new Disincarnate album. Next I’m officialy still under
contract with Shrapnel as a solo artist.”
You are
going to travel the complete States for the Death tribute the
coming time?
“The drums are always recorded in a local studio and for
the rest of the music I have my own mobile recordingset with me.
First I’m going to record drums with Dave Culross, next
Brett Hoffmann and Ross Dolan will sing a few songs. It’s
gonna be a mega job, but I’m convinced that it is gonna
be a great sounding CD.” |